Ethereum surpasses Bitcoin in terms of active addresses growth


The Ethereum network reportedly bypassed Bitcoin in terms of active addresses. Since the beginning of this year, this figure has grown by 145 percent. During the same time, the number of active addresses of the BTC payment system increased by only 13 percent.

A new sidechain has been introduced into the Ethereum payment system to carry out transactions up to 2000 per second


Using the new zkRollup technology, which has a throughput of more than two thousand operations per second and an average commission amount of about $ 0.01, Startup Matter Labs has implemented a beta version of the second level of zkSync based on this technology.

Ethereum is predicted to rally with 100 million e-wallets


The founder of Mythos Capital, who is also an investor in the cryptocurrency market, Mr. Ryan Sean Adams noted that over the past five years, for the first time in the entire existence of a cryptocurrency, the number of registered electronic wallets on the Ethereum platform has exceeded one hundred million.

Japan introduces blockchain-based banking transaction system


JCB, one of the largest credit card issuers in Japan, has started to develop a payment system with TECHFUND, through which transactions are carried out using blockchain technology. This information is provided by the independent Cointelegraph.

EOS Inflation Reduced


The EOS network owners have approved the decision to reduce inflation.

Speed up EOS - Dan Larimers solution


The EOS.IO protocol will be updated.

South Korean ATMs to support litecoin


South Koreas ATMs will be equipped with Litecoin cryptocurrency.

New Zealand plans to abolish double tax on cryptocurrencies


New Zealand authorities have put forward a proposal to waive the application of the tax on cryptocurrencies.